The Importance of 24x7 Cyber Security Monitoring

3 min read

The bad actors threatening your network don't follow your work schedule. This means that many attacks happen overnight, at weekends, or on a holiday. Many of the cybercriminal gangs targeting US-based organizations operate from time zones in Eastern Europe, Russia, China, and other Asian countries. Plus, they know that they have a higher chance of infiltrating a network if they attack when there are fewer people using the systems who might detect their activities.

The scourge of ransomware and other cybersecurity threats means that networks need monitoring around the clock every day of the year. Plus, defensive actions need to be agreed upon in advance and implemented quickly when an attack is detected.

Designing, building, and operating a security operations center (SOC) that can monitor a network 24/7 is a resource-intensive undertaking. It is beyond the means and expertise of most organizations. Experience and market trends show that this is a task that organizations are better off outsourcing to a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP).

By spreading the cost of building and staffing a 24/7 SOC across multiple organizations, MSSPs can attract and retain the highly skilled cybersecurity professionals required. Plus, MSSPs take learning from across their client base and the broader cybersecurity threat landscape and apply best practices to all. Something that siloed IT teams and cybersecurity professionals working within organizations will find challenging due to time constraints.

Critical Insight can help you secure your organization's IT systems. Our security analysts focus on the threat landscape across healthcare, critical infrastructure, and industry. These security experts, combined with the 24x7 monitoring teams based in our SOC, can deliver the cybersecurity expertise an organization needs to deal with threats. Contact us to find out more, and read on for an overview of the importance and benefits of 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring.

Continuous Monitoring

The most important item. It's outlined in the intro but warrants a section to highlight it. The cybercriminals never sleep, so the defenders can't either. Continuous monitoring of the network and systems is essential to detect anomalies quickly. The ideal monitoring solution uses state-of-the-art security tools backed by human experts who have the experience to identify the level of threat associated with any unusual activity.

Managed Detection & Response

Monitoring the network for attacks is pointless if there isn't a mechanism to respond and negate the threat quickly. The costs associated with recovery from a cyberattack, such as ransomware, can be directly related to the time it takes to respond. Managed Detection & Response (MDR) is a fundamental part of a modern cybersecurity response strategy. It delivers the follow-up actions that flow from 24/7 monitoring when a threat is detected. The response component is usually discussed and agreed upon beforehand. It is often automated to allow a quick response before human expert review and analysis to determine the best ongoing course of action.

Rapid Response

The rapid response aspect that flows from 24/7 monitoring is worth highlighting separately to emphasize its importance. A prompt response leads to less damage and also reduced costs to recover from the attack. The Sophos State of Ransomware Report 2021 outlines that the average cost to recover from a ransomware attack in 2021 is $1.85 million. Responding quickly and reducing these costs is essential.

Boost Accountability and Reduce Costs

Many sectors such as healthcare and businesses working on Federal supply contracts must demonstrate that their cybersecurity posture is robust. Other non-regulated organizations find that they can't get cyber insurance at rates they can afford. Unless they too can show that they have taken adequate security protections.

Having 24/7 monitoring is a fundamental part of a cybersecurity strategy for all organizations. Outsourcing 24/7 monitoring it to an MSSP such as Critical Insight provides evidence for any authorities that need it, and makes it easier to implement regulatory compliance. While also enabling cost reductions as part of a broader strategy when it comes to renewing cyber-insurance.